
Ori and the blind forest dash in the air
Ori and the blind forest dash in the air

ori and the blind forest dash in the air

  • Pivot Slam: When the player is attacking the Horn Beetle from the rear, the boss may try to spin around and it hit the player with its spikes.
  • The Horn Beetle will be vulnerable to attacks for a second after landing while it tries to recover from the fall. The key to dodging this attack is to not be intimidated by the charge and wait for the Horn Beetle to go airborne before dashing to safety behind it.
  • Charge Stomp: Unlike the smaller beetle enemy that will charge straight forward until it hits a surface or gets tired, the Horn Beetle will charge straight towards the player only until it is directly in front of them and then try to do a stomp.
  • ori and the blind forest dash in the air

    The player should double jump over the largest part of the wave and then dash to clear the rest of it.

    ori and the blind forest dash in the air

    This wave will be largest at the beginning and shrink past that. Flame Wave: The Horn Beetle stomps and sends a wave of fire towards the player.If possible, try to dash towards its backside in order to open an opportunity to attack! The player can easily clear themselves from the landing zone by dashing in either direction. Leaping Stomp: The Horn Beetle leaps forward into the air and comes back down rather quickly, dealing damage to the player if they are under it.


    Here is a list of the Horn Beetle's attacks and how to dodge them using a dash! Its more forgiving later on, when you pick up more abilities that increase your mobility. Each one of the Horn Beetle's attacks can be dodged in one shape or another by using the dash ability. Ori is a very strange platformer character in terms of their controls, so itll take some time to get used to moving around with the variable speed in different directions. The Horn Beetle boss is designed in a way to force the player to use the dash ability, acquired shortly before the fight.

    Ori and the blind forest dash in the air